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Giving the Gift of the Classic Cookie this Christmas Holiday

 November 27 2019  By: DeLuscious Cookies

There is perhaps not a single human alive in the United States of America who does not have at least one childhood memory involving a cookie. Whether that was simply the smell of cookie goodness emerging from a warm oven, a reward for a job well done, or perhaps even leaving a tray of them out for good ole St. Nick on Christmas Eve, the cookie holds an iconic place in our hearts. If you doubt the power of the cookie, I encourage you to walk up to any gathering of children that you know today and ask them, “who wants a cookie?” The answer will most certainly be a resounding “yes” and we are not responsible for their aggression if you do not actually have a cookie to back up your offer. The classic cookie has served as the go to treat for generations of Americans from childhood through adulthood. Yet, this holiday season you have the opportunity to give something altogether new. A unique cookie experience that will make you question whether you have ever truly had a cookie in the past, now is the time to reinvent the gift of the classic cookie this Christmas season.